Trading Bot actually works?


Over a year ago

I Built a Trading Bot with Bing and ChatGPT

I gave Bing and ChatGPT $1000 to invest with and in this video i'll explain how we built the trading algorithm and what the returns looked like after 24 hours of live trading. First, a disclaimer - Do NOT invest any money in any type of trading bot or algorithmic engine that you are not willing to lose. I gave this trading bot $1000 because I was willing to lose $1000 to make a great video for my AI Wizards out there. Bing is better than ChatGPT in many ways because it's able to pull real-time data from the Web, whereas ChatGPT was only trained on data up until September 2021. I use both of them multiples times a day for almost everything, cooking tips, therapy, self education, and of course, making money. English is the hottest programming language of 2023, and we all need to learn how to communicate and build trust with these ever more powerful AIs. The tools used in this tutorial are the Composer for deploying trading algorithms, ChatGPT and Bing for building trading algorithms, and the English language for programming. Let me know what you think in the comments and if you want to see more videos like this. Enjoy! Please Subscribe! That's what keeps me going. Composer: Want more AI/ML education? Connect with me here: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin: I Built a Sports Betting Bot with ChatGPT: I Built a Trading Bot with ChatGPT: Watch ChatGPT Build an AI Startup: Watch ChatGPT Build a Finance Startup: Learn Machine Learning in 3 Months: Join the discord:


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